PocoSmiles Dental

Dental Fillings in Port Coquitlam

Composite Dental Fillings

Composite dental fillings in Port Coquitlam offer a reliable solution for repairing teeth affected by decay or minor damage. These fillings restore the tooth’s function and integrity while maintaining a natural appearance, allowing you to smile and eat with confidence.

What to Expect from Composite Dental Fillings?

Composite dental fillings typically require one appointment. Your dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth, clean the area, and fill it with durable composite resin. A dental filling procedure is quick and performed under local anesthesia for your comfort.

When Are Composite Dental Fillings Used?

Composite dental fillings are commonly used to treat cavities and repair cracked or broken teeth. They can also restore teeth worn down by habits such as nail-biting or tooth-grinding, helping to prevent further damage and decay.