PocoSmiles Dental

Teeth Extractions in Port Coquitlam

Teeth Extractions

Our dentists prioritize treatments that preserve your natural tooth whenever possible. Extraction is only recommended if the tooth cannot be saved. This routine procedure is performed in our clinic, with sedation dentistry options available for your comfort.

What to Expect from Teeth Extractions

During a tooth extraction, you can expect the dentist to start by numbing the area to ensure your comfort. From there, they’ll remove the tooth carefully and provide detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing and prevent complications.

When Is Teeth Extraction Necessary?

While we’ll always recommend solutions that save your natural teeth, extraction may be necessary when a tooth is severely decayed, damaged, or causing overcrowding in the mouth. When other treatments like fillings or root canals are not viable options, our dentists will recommend teeth extraction.