PocoSmiles Dental

Dental Crowns in Port Coquitlam

Dental Crowns

Damaged, broken, or infected teeth require cosmetic restoration solutions that are long-lasting. Dental crowns are often the preferred solution because they look natural, are straightforward to install, and are versatile. When you have a tooth that needs protective support, our dentists may suggest a dental crown.

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

A dental crown is a cosmetic restoration designed to fit over the remaining natural tooth or on top of a dental implant post. The name comes from the way it crowns the tooth below, providing comfortable protection while restoring functionality.

What Are Dental Crowns Made Of?

Dental crowns are made from a durable composite resin that provides a long-term cosmetic solution for damaged teeth. The material resembles the natural colour of teeth so you can smile and live your life with confidence, knowing your tooth is protected and looks great.